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2. Business Requirement Negotiation based on Generalized Requirement Approach (GRA)

ICIST 2014 Proceedings Part I, 4-9
Bulajić Aleksandar
Abstract: <p>Business software development is based on the specific business requirements that are collected during requirement negotiation process. Gathering business requirements, when final product requirements are dictated by known client, can be a difficult process. An idea about new business product can be obscure, and described by general terms that contributes very much common misunderstandings. Business requirement verification accomplished by using text and graphics, and manual review processes, can be slow, error prone and expensive. Misunderstandings and omitted requirements affect future software product. This research work proposes new approach to requirement negotiation, the Generalized Requirement Approach (GRA) and is focused on demonstration of business requirement during requirement negotiation process. The process of the business requirement negotiation is guided by the set of predefined objects that store requirement description in the common repository, in the structured text format. The objects attributes and properties are guidelines for specifying sufficient level of requirement details for generating source code that is used for requirement demonstration. The source code and executables are generated without manual programming.</p>

3. The concept of the information system for managing business processes of designing and manufacturing of osteofixation material

ICIST 2014 Proceedings Part I, 10-15
Mišić Dragan, Stojković Miloš, Vitković Nikola, Trajanović Miroslav, Manić Miodrag, Korunović Nikola, Milovanović Jelena
Abstract: <p>One of the characteristics of modern production is adapting products to specific customer requirements. This principle is applied in the industry for some time, but this is not the case in medicine. The idea behind the information system described in this paper is to support, improve and accelerate manufacturing of medical supplies, which are adapted to the patients (customers). This IS will be applied in process of design and manufacturing of osteofixation material, in order to obtain high-quality products customized to the individual needs of patients. The MD system for business process management, developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, will be used as a tool for the implementation and integration of the various activities in this processes.</p>

4. Foreword to the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Society and Technology

ICIST 2016 Proceedings, 1-4
Konjović Zora, Zdravković Milan, Trajanović Miroslav

5. Towards flexible short answer questions in the Moodle Quiz

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 5-9
Frtunić Gligorijević Milena, Stoimenov Leonid, Vojinović Oliver, Milentijević Ivan
Abstract: Assessment of student’s knowledge and observation of their learning progress by using learning management systems is proven to be a very good solution. Main reason for that is provided possibility for testing a large number of students at the same time and automated evaluation of all quiz attempts. However, there are still a lot of limitations regarding automatic evaluations. In order to reduce one of those limitations in Moodle LMS, this paper will present an improvement of the automatic evaluation for questions with short answers in Moodle LMS system. Within this paper, an algorithm which is based on checking the similarity between two sentences will be introduced as a new solution for assessing short answer questions created in English language.

6. The Business Process Transformation Framework Implementation through Metamodel Extension

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 11-16
Maruna Vladimir, Mercer Tom, Zečević Igor, Perišić Branko, Bjeljac Petar
Abstract: The interoperability levels at which complex modeling frameworks may cooperate directly constraint the ease of bidirectional transformation of model artifacts. A particularly challenging approach is to extend targeting modeling framework with another, previously external modeling framework, through metamodel transformations. In this paper, the context and rationales for selecting the metamodel extending approach while embedding The Business Process Transformation Framework methodology implementation into SAP PowerDesigner modeling framework, is described. The paper is focused solely on the first release of the solution, whose main mission was to: define the scope of the concepts belonging to the fundamental methodology dimensions; support the conversion of Value Chain Group Business Process Transformation Framework content from the previous ValueScape implementation to SAP PowerDesigner metamodel extension; and further improvements and extensions of data migrated from the ValueScape to SAP PowerDesigner modeling environment.

7. Using Context Information and CMMN to Model Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 17-21
Nešković Siniša, Kirchner Kathrin
Abstract: Knowledge-intensive business processes are characterized by flexibility and dynamism. Traditional business process modeling languages like UML Activity Diagrams and BPMN are notoriously inadequate to model such type of processes due to their rigidness. In 2014, the OMG standard CMMN was introduced to support flexible processes. This paper discusses the main benefits of CMMN over BPMN. Furthermore, we investigate how context information of process instances can be used in CMMN to allow runtime flexibility during execution. The proposed technique is illustrated by an example from the healthcare domain.

8. Extendable Multiplatform Approach to the Development of the Web Business Applications

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 22-27
Balać Vladimir, Vidaković Milan
Abstract: We present the OdinModel framework - an extendable multiplatform approach to the development of the web business applications. The framework enables the full development potential of the application’s model through the platform independent abstractions. Those abstractions allow the full code generation of the application from a single abstract model to the multiple target platforms. The model covers both the common and the platform specific development concepts of the different target platforms, which makes it unique. In addition, we can extend the model with any existing development concept of any target platform. The framework with such model provides both the generic and custom modeling of the complete Model, View and Controller parts of the application. OdinModel uses existing development tools for the implementation of the application from the model. It does not force any development technology over some other. Instead, the framework provides a hub from which the web application developers can choose their favorite approach. Currently, the framework covers the development for Java, Python and WebDSL platforms. Support of these three platforms and the extendibility of the framework guarantee the framework support for any development platform.

9. A code generator for building front-end tier of REST-based rich client web applications

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 28-33
Luburić Nikola, Savić Goran, Milosavljević Gordana, Segedinac Milan, Slivka Jelena
Abstract: The paper presents a code generator for creating fully functioning front end web application, as well as a JSON-based DSL with which to write models which the generator uses as input. The DSL is used to describe both the data model and the UI layout and the generated application is written in AngularJS, following the current best practices. Our goal was to produce a code generator which is simple to create, use and update, so as to easily adapt to the climate of technologies which are prone to frequent updates. Our code generator and DSL are simple to learn, offer quick creation of modern, feature rich, web applications with customizable UI, written in the currently most popular technology for this domain. We evaluate our solution by generating two applications from different domains. We show that the generated applications require minor code changes in order to adapt to the desired functionality.

10. ReingIS: A Toolset for Rapid Development and Reengineering of Business Information Systems

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 34-39
Vaderna Renata, Vuković Željko, Milosavljević Gordana, Dejanović Igor
Abstract: ReingIS is a set of tools for rapid development of client desktop applications in Java. While it can be used to develop new applications, it is primary intended use is for reengineering existing legacy systems. Database schema is extracted from the database itself and used to generate code for the client side. This remedies the fact that most existing systems do not have valid documentation.

11. Assessing Cloud Computing Sustainability

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 40-45
Timčenko Valentina, Zogović Nikola, Jevtić Miloš, Đorđević Borislav
Abstract: In this paper we deal with the issue of providing a suitable, comprehensive and efficient sustainability assessment framework for cloud computing technology, taking into consideration the multi-objectivity approach. We provide the comparison methodology for Sustainable Development Goals models, and apply it to the proposed multi-objective cloud computing sustainability assessment model and the general United Nations (UN) framework, taking into consideration the emerging issue of open data.

12. Dataflow of Matrix Multiplication Algorithm through Distributed Hadoop Environment

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 46-49
Ćirić Vladimir M., Živanović Filip S., Stojanović Natalija M., Milovanović Emina I., Milentijević Ivan
Abstract: Increasing of processors' frequencies and computational speed with components scaling is slowly reaching its saturation with current MOSFET technology. From today's perspective, the solution lies either in further scaling in nanotechnology, or in parallel and distributed processing. Parallel and distributed processing have always been used to speedup the execution further than the current technology had been enabling. However, in parallel and distributed processing, dependencies play a crucial role and should be analyzed carefully. The goal of this paper is the analysis of dataflow and parallelization capabilities of Hadoop, as one of the widely used distributed environment nowadays. The analysis is performed on the example of matrix multiplication algorithm. The dataflow is analyzed through evaluation of the execution timeline of Map and Reduce functions, while the parallelization capabilities are considered through the utilization of Hadoop's Map and Reduce tasks. The implementation results on 18-nodes cluster for various parameter sets are given.

13. Open Government Data Initiative : AP2A Methodology

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 50-57
Latinović Milan, Rajčević Srđan, Konjović Zora
Abstract: This paper proposes new and innovative methodology called "Action Plan To Applications", a.k.a. AP2A methodology. As indicated inside methodology name, it's scope/roadmap on how to handle OGD from first phase of action plan, trough data gathering, publishing, molding, all the way to first useful applications based on that data. This methodology keeps in mind lack of infrastructure and all database challenges that could affect Balkan countries, and aims to create roadmap on how to accomplish two very important tasks. First task is ofcourse implementation of OGD concept, and second task is building up informational infrastructure (databases, procedures, process descriptions etc.) which is usually bottleneck for every development initiatives. General idea is actually simple, to do these two tasks parallel, within defined process but still flexible enough to allow modifications from actor to actor, institution to institution, data owner to data owner, and ofcourse government to government.

14. Open Government Data in Western Balkans: Assessment and Challenges

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 58-63
Stojkov Milan, Gostojić Stevan, Sladić Goran, Marković Marko, Milosavljević Branko
Abstract: In order to improve availability and usage of public data, national, regional and local governmental bodies have to accept new ways to open up their data for everyone to use. In that sense, the idea of open government data has become more common in a large number of governmental bodies in countries across the world in the past years. This study gives an overview of open government data that are available on the Internet for Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Three most common methodologies for open data assessment are described and one of them is used to indicate advantages and disadvantages of available data. The detailed research provided enough information to make proposals for eliminating open government data shortcomings in these countries.

15. Survey of Open Data in Judicial Systems

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 64-69
Marković Marko, Gostojić Stevan, Sladić Goran, Stojkov Milan, Milosavljević Branko
Abstract: Judicial data is often poorly published or not published at all. It is also missing from datasets considered for evaluation by open data evaluation methods. Nevertheless, data about courts and judges is also data of public interest since it can reveal the quality of their work. Transparency of judicial data has an important role in increasing public trust in the judiciary and in the fight against corruption. However, it also carries some risks, such as publication of sensitive personal data, which need to be addressed.

16. Clover: Property Graph based metadata management service

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 70-74
Simić Miloš
Abstract: As the file systems continue to grow, metadata search is becoming increasingly important way to access and manage files. Applications are capable to generate huge amount of files and metadata about various things. Simple metadata (e.g., file size, name, permission mode), has been well recorded and used in current systems. However, only limited amount of metadata, which not record only attributes of entities but also relationships between them, are captured in current systems. Collecting, processing and querying such large amount of files and metadata is challenge in current systems. This paper present Clover, a metadata management service that unifies files/folders, tags, relationships between them and metadata into generic property graph. Service can also be extended with new entities and metadata, by allowing users to add their own of nodes, properties and relationships. This approach allow not only simple operations such as directory traversal and permission validation, but also fast querying large amount of files and metadata by name, size, date created, tags etc. or any other metadata provided by users.

17. Optimized CT Skull Slices Retrieval based on Cubic Bezier Curves Descriptors

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 75-79
Rudek Marcelo, Gumiel Yohan B., Canciglieri Jr. Osiris, Bichinho Gerson L.
Abstract: The paper presents a method applied to the geometric modelling of skull prosthesis. The proposal deals over definition of the representative descriptors of skull bone curvature based on Cubic Bezier Curves. A sectioning of the bone edge in CT image is performed to create small sections in order to optimize the accuracy of fitness of the Bezier curve. We show that is possible to reduce around 15 times the amount of points from original edge to an equivalent Bezier curve defined by a minimum set of descriptors. The final objective is to apply the descriptors to find similar images from CT databases in order to modelling customized skull prosthesis. A study case shows the feasibility of method.

18. Enhancing Semantic Interoperability in Healthcare using Semantic Process Mining

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 80-85
Detro Silvana Pereira, Morozov Dmitry, Lezoche Mario, Panetto Hervé, Santos Eduardo Portela, Zdravković Milan
Abstract: Semantic interoperability plays an important role in healthcare domain, essentially it concerns the action of sharing the meaning between the involved entities. The enterprises store all the execution processes data as event log files. The process mining method is one among the possible methods that enable the processes analysis behavior in order to understand, optimize and improve them. However, the standard process mining approaches analyze the process based only on the event log label strings, without consider the semantics behind this label. A semantic approach on the event logs might overcome this problem and could enable the use, reuse and sharing of the embedded knowledge. Most of the research developed in this area focuses on the process dynamic behavior or in clarifying the meaning of the event log label. Therefore, less attention has been paid in the knowledge injection perspective. In this context, the objective of this paper is to show a procedure, in its preliminary state, to enhance the semantic interoperability through the semantic enrichment of event logs with domain ontologies and the application of a formal approach, named Formal Concept Analysis.

19. Expert System for Implant Material Selection

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 86-90
Ristić Miloš, Manić Miodrag, Mišić Dragan, Kosanović Miloš
Abstract: Workflow Management System (WfMS) is a software that enables collaboration of people, processes and monitoring of a defined sequence of tasks, involved in the same business enterprise. There are some WfMSs which enable integration of project activities realized among different institutions. They enable that comprehensive activities carried out at various locations are more easily monitored, with improved internal communication. This paper presents an example of decision support system in Workflow Management System for design, manufacturing and application of customized implants. This support system is based on expert system. Its task is to carry out a selection of biomaterial (or class of material) for a customized implant and then to propose a technological process for implant manufacturing. This model significantly improves the efficiency of WfMS for preoperative planning in medicine.

20. A supervised named entity recognition for information extraction from medical records

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 91-96
Puflović Darko, Velinov Goran, Stanković Tatjana, Janković Dragan, Stoimenov Leonid
Abstract: Named entity recognition is a widely used task to extract various kinds of information from unstructured text. Medical records, produced by hospitals every day contain huge amount of data about diseases, medications used in treatment and information about treatment success rate. There are a large number of systems used in information retrieval from medical documentation, but they are mostly used on documents written in English language. This paper contains the explanation of our approach to solving the problem of extracting disease and drug names from medical records written in Serbian language. Our approach uses statistical language models and can detect up to 80% of named entities, which is a good result given the very limited resources for Serbian language, which makes the process of detection much more difficult.


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