1374 authors found .

421. Vladimir Simić

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš

422. Mirjana Maksimović

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, East Sarajevo

423. Vladimir Vujović

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, East Sarajevo

424. Vladimir Milošević

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

425. Peter Šarčević

University of Szeged, Department of Informatics

426. Andraž Krašček

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

427. Darko Pekar

AlfaNum – Speech Technologies

428. Branislav Popović

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

429. Dragiša Mišković

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

430. Stevan Ostrogonac

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

431. Mila Dragomirova

Sofia University /Department Software Engineering

432. Boyan Salutski

Technical University of Sofia

433. Zoran Marković

Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

434. Dejan Dimitrijević

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad

435. Milan Pantović

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education

436. Rade Matić

Belgrade Business School

437. Milan Trifunović

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš

438. Petar Mali

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad

439. Slobodan Radošević

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad

440. Lazar Stričević

Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad


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