765 papers found .

41. Benchmarking of Tools for Distributed Software Development and Project Management

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 203-206
Kazi Ljubica, Ivković Miodrag, Radulović Biljana, Markoski Branko, Makitan Vesna
Abstract: Distributed software development as trend raises many issues. Some of these issues could be categorized as the need for proper software tools support, particularly in the area of distributed software development and project management. It is of a high importance to integrate software development (as data source) and project management (that uses such data for decision making). This paper presents results of benchmarking of most frequently used tools that support both distributed software development and project management.

42. Real-time Biofeedback Systems: Architectures, Processing, and Communication

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 207-210
Kos Anton, Umek Anton, Tomažič Sašo
Abstract: Ubiquitous computing and wearable devices are offering new approaches in sports. Real-time biofeedback systems and applications can be used to speed-up the proper movement learning process. Movements must be processed in real time, what can pose a problem to small, light-weight, wearable devices with limited processing and communication capabilities, and battery power. We study two architectures of real-time biofeedback systems: local and distributed. The emphasis is on their properties when used in various biofeedback usage scenarios. Special focus is given on feedback loop delays and its real-time operation. A multi-user signal processing in football match is given as an example of high performance application that needs high speed communication and high performance computing. With growing number of biofeedback applications in sport, their complexity will grow, requiring new approaches in communication and motion processing.

43. Healthcare Information Systems Supported by RFID and Big Data Technology

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 211-215
Stufi Martin, Janković Dragan, Stoimenov Leonid

44. Survey of cloud-based Internet-of-Things platforms

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 216-220
Zdravković Milan, Trajanović Miroslav, Sarraipa Joao, Jardim-Goncalves Ricardo, Lezoche Mario, Aubry Alexis, Panetto Hervé
Abstract: Internet-of-Things (IoT) platform (often referred to as IoT middleware) is a software that enables connecting the machines and devices and then acquisition, processing, transformation, organization and storing machine and sensor data. The objective of the research behind this paper is to establish a state of the art in the development of IoT platforms. In specific, here we present the main conclusions regarding the functional and design perspective to current IoT platforms and related research. The focus was made on cloud-based IoT platforms with significant user base and successful record of exploitation. We also consider the relevant theoretical foundations of IoT platform research, mostly by taking into account the results of European research. The conclusions and respective discussion are meant to be used in the development of a formal runtime model-driven IoT platform, which conceptual design decisions are shortly presented.

45. Concepts for Agriculture and Tourism Cyber-Physical Ecosystems

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 221-226
Sarraipa Joao, Zdravković Milan, Sacala Ioan Stefan, Marcelino-Jesus Elsa, Trajanović Miroslav, Jardim-Goncalves Ricardo
Abstract: Nowadays is quite common the usage of robotics and automation combined with smart electronics and embedded systems, in manufacturing or enterprise processes. Such elements work together to augment systems intelligence in decision making for actuation representing the so-called Cyber Physical Systems concept. Due to the amount of data generated by enterprise processes tools, which go either uncollected or unprocessed, as well as, the need for greater coordination of those processes for reducing inefficiency and downtime among other factors, Cyber-Physical Systems have been introduced to support such activities. Thus, and apart from the level of automation or the industrial sector, their dependence in these types of systems have been increased. The objective of this paper is to describe some concepts; approaches and analysis to facilitate an efficient and structured implementation and use of technologies related to Cyber-Physical Systems specifically in agriculture and tourism industries. Authors introduce the concept and the idea that enterprises systems have four states of working, which Cyber Physical Systems act as the catalyst for the transitions between the solid, the liquid, the gas and the plasma states, establishing by this way a parallelism to the states of matter.

46. Aquaculture Knowledge Framework

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 227-234
Sarraipa Joao, Marcelino-Jesus Elsa, Oliveira Pedro, Amaral Pedro, Ponte Marcio, Costa Ruben, Zdravković Milan
Abstract: Despite to seem infinite, oceans have fragile ecosystems and limited resources. This way, aquaculture is an activity extremely important nowadays namely in the preservation and in the creation of a good alternative to fisheries. Moreover, aquaculture is extremely important to supply the population with food at a global level since fishing is not enough. In line with this, the authors propose an aquaculture knowledge framework to facilitate the development of information technologies solutions to improve the efficiency of the traditional aquaculture industry processes.

47. Simulation of a railway mainline junction using High level Petri nets

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 235-240
Jeremić Dušan, Milosavljević Milan, Milinković Sanjin, Vesković Slavko, Bundalo Zoran
Abstract: Railway transport is one of the most complex kind of transport. Solving railway infrastructure problems and conflict situations is very difficult task. This paper presents a simulation model of mainline railway junction using High level Petri nets. The aim of the paper is to detect the conflict situations in station and analyses impact of infrastructure elements malfunction on train delays. Model was tested on mainline station Mjölby in southeastern Sweden.

48. The Application of the Topic Modeling to Question Answer Retrieval

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 241-246
Vasiljević Jelica, Ivanović Miloš, Lampert Tom
Abstract: Topic modeling (TM) is used for the extraction of the information from unstructured documents. The aim of this study is to investigate the application of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic modeling algorithm to question answer retrieval. The most appropriate answer is automatically selected from a database of answers based on a combination of several similarity measures. The primary hypothesis assumed in this study is that a question and its correct answer are thematically similar. All TM results were compared to a simple word count approach, employed as the reference model. Results show that the topic modeling approach performs better than the reference model as the number of the documents increase. It is also proved that the difference in results is statistically significant. Nevertheless, basic LDA turned out to be insufficient for efficient question answering. It is therefore hypothesized that additional expert knowledge would greatly improve its performance.

49. Application of adaptive neuro fuzzy systems for modeling grinding process

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 247-250
Kovač Pavel, Rodić Dragan, Gostimirović Marin, Savković Borislav, Ješić Dušan
Abstract: Modeling and prediction of cutting forces by intelligent techniques in grinding operations play an important role in the manufacturing industry. This paper proposes a method using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to currently establish the relationship between the machining conditions and cutting force, and consequently can effectively predict cutting force using cutting parameters work speed, feed rate and depth of cut. The results indicate that the ANFIS modeling technique can be effectively used for the prediction of cutting force in grinding process.

50. Free-hand human-machine interaction in vehicles

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 251-256
Čegovnik Tomaž, Sodnik Jaka
Abstract: This paper focuses on alternative interaction techniques and user interfaces for in-vehicle information systems (IVIS). Human-machine interaction in vehicles needs to introduce new intuitive and more natural interaction approaches, which would reduce driver’s distraction and increase safety. We present a prototype of a gesture recognition system intended for in-vehicle free-hand interaction. Our solution is based on a Leap Motion Controller. We report also on a short user study with the proposed system. Test subjects performed a set of tasks and reported on their experience with the system through a user experience questionnaire. The study reveals that free-hand interaction is attractive and stimulating, but it still suffers from various technological issues, particularly with the efficiency and robustness of free-hand gestures recognition techniques.

51. Co-training based algorithm for gender detection from emotional speech

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 257-262
Slivka Jelena, Kovačević Aleksandar
Abstract: Automatic recognition of gender from spoken data is an important prerequisite for many practical applications. In this paper we consider the problem of automatic gender recognition from emotional speech. Analyzing emotional speech adds to the complexity of the problem due to the variability of the speech signal which is driven by the speakers’ emotional state. The ever-present and dominating bottleneck in automatic analysis of spoken language is the scarcity of labeled data. Here we investigate the possibility of applying a co-training style algorithm in order to reduce the human effort needed for data labeling. We apply several co-training settings: random split of features, natural split of features, majority vote of several co-training classifiers and Random Split Statistic Algorithm (RSSalg) we have developed earlier in order to boost cotraining performance and enable its application on singleview datasets. We test the performance of the competing settings on IEMOCAP, a large, publicly available emotional speech database. In order to test the robustness of the compared method, in the conducted experiments we vary the amount of available labeled data. In our experiments a random feature split yielded a better performance of cotraining than the feature split that can be considered as natural. The best performing settings proved to be the majority vote of co-training classifiers and RSSalg. These settings also proved to be the most robust ones considering the amount of the available labeled data.

52. The Minimal Covering Location Problem with single and multiple location coverage

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part I, 263-266
Drakulić Darko, Takači Aleksandar, Marić Miroslav
Abstract: The covering of Location Problems represents very important class of combinatorial problems. One of the most known problem from this class is Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP). Its objective is to cover as more as possible location with given facilities. The opposite problem is called Minimal (or Minimum) Covering Location Problem and its aim is to find places for given facilities such as they cover as few as possible location. This paper will present two models of MinCLP derived from the model of classical MCLP.

53. Comparative quality inspection of Moodle and Mooc courses: an action research

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 267-272
Blagojević Marija, Milošević Danijela
Abstract: This paper shows comparative analysis of Moodle and Mooc courses. In the domain of Mooc courses, the edX platform was used for course creation and analyses. A survey was applied and participants were students from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak. Results point to possible differences betwen two chosen platforms. Future work relates to continuous improvement of courses and quality assurance of created courses.

54. Exploring the influence of ubiquitous workplaces on individual learning

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 273-277
Jeddi Sonia, Karoui Zouaoui Samia
Abstract: Nowadays, the professional use of ubiquitous computing devices for data transfer and communication is becoming increasingly important. Workers become constantly connected and available. Moreover, they are constantly asked to be accessible. Falling in line with the abductive approach, this study has developed a model to investigate mobile and ubiquitous work consequences on user’s learning. The theoretical framework for understanding learning is based on connectivism theory, as a learning theory for the digital age. An adapted survey was administered to 214 managers operating in IT and Telecoms sectors. Results show that social interactions generate an overload by providing redundant and useless information. Consequently, and contrary to what was said in previous researches, social interactions are an ongoing problem that can affect learning by enhancing the information load. This empirical evidence makes a valuable contribution for both managers and organizations. Future researches must include other workers categories and offer possible countermeasures.

55. Reverse auction bidding in transport of goods - interCLEAN case

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 278-280
Despotović Vladimir
Abstract: In order to achieve business requests such as shorten the time of booking the transport of goods at a fair price with best delivery dates specific methodologies need to be applied. This paper presents an application of the reverse auction bidding methodology in booking international transport of goods. It is the real interCLEAN Serbia case described from an idea, proof of concept and concluding remarks. This may be used as an example in other businesses and companies in order to improve transport procurement.

56. Achieving interoperability of parking system based on RFID technology

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 281-286
Ivanović Miloš
Abstract: The subject of this paper is based on communication between two heterogeneous systems. It is necessary to ensure the parking system or unit that will accept data from other systems and thus to ensure efficient data exchange to work together, without altering the exchanged information. The goal of this research is to present concrete example of parking system using RFID technology and its interoperability which will increase productivity and efficiency of the entire system.

57. Comparing Apache Solr and Elasticsearch search servers

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 287-291
Luburić Nikola, Ivanović Dragan
Abstract: The paper presents a comparative analysis of the leading two platforms for developing information retrieval systems, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch. We briefly examine other similar solutions, but focus on the previously mentioned solutions as they provide greater functionality with better performance. Our goal was to examine both systems, including what they offer and how they are used. We examine expert opinions on both systems, as well as concrete use cases. After that we make a comparative analysis focusing on many aspects, from usability to working at scale. Finally we conclude which system works better for which use case.

58. Applying SEO techniques to improve access to a research project website

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 292-296
Baro Silvija, Ivanović Dragan
Abstract: The paper describes the optimization of the research project DOSIRD UNS web site using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. The aim of this study was to better rank the website on the leading web search engines Google and Yahoo! using keywords that belong to the domain of the project. The website is developed using Drupal CMS version 7.35. On-Page, OffPage SEO techniques and Drupal modules are used in order to achieve the better web site ranking.

59. Implementation of books digital repository searching using Hibernate search software library

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 297-301
Šnajderov Jovan, Ivanović Dragan
Abstract: A web application for searching through digital book repository is implemented. Server application indexes and persists book using Hibernate Search software library, exposing it’s functionality through REST services. Client application developed using AngularJS, calls these services through web browser.

60. Science Network of Montenegro: Open government eService based on Open data and Open standards

ICIST 2016 Proceedings Part II, 302-307
Petrušić Darko, Konjović Zora, Segedinac Milan
Abstract: Open movement is influenced by digital revolution and its technological foundation and socio-economic impact. Open data and Open standards are the integral components of Open government (OG) paradigm, together with Open architecture, playing an important role in the creation of OG e-services. One such OG eservice, that follows Open movement principles, is the Science Network of Montenegro (SNM). SNM is an Open science type of application and also an Open government e-service, designed using Open architecture principles with an aim to publish Open data, following Open standards and using Open source software components. Its mission is to become a centralized virtual online platform for presenting and collecting information about researchers, research papers, research projects, equipment and scientific knowledge. In this paper we have presented the role that Open movements (with special focus on Open data and Open standards) play in Open government initiatives, and shown how Open data and Open standards combine in the case of Science Network of Montenegro.


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