Towards the Future Internet: A Foreword to the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology
The research on the Future Internet is driven by need to overcome some of the shortcomings of the current protocols and architectures, mostly in terms of performance, reliability, scalability, security, as well as the other categories. In addition, some societal, economic and business aspects are also considered in defining the long term vision for the Future Internet.
Based on the huge interest of the research community in this topic, which is also supported by the commitment of the European Commission to fund research in this area in scope of Horizon 2020 program, the ICIST Organizational Committee (OC) decided to make effort towards the further promotion and motivation in this exciting area. Hence, this year’s edition of the conference was focused on the topic: Future Internet: Technologies, Architectures and Applications.
The 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technologies was organized in Kopaonik, Serbia, 8-10.3.2015. Despite the extreme travel conditions at that time, the conference gathered more than 300 participants from all over the world, to discuss one the recent research results.
The conference was supported by the International Program Committee (IPC), with researchers from 20 countries, namely Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.
ICIST 2015 received 114 submissions. The number of submissions is considered as an important evidence of the sustainable conference development and significant growth trend, after 90 submissions received last year. The international character of the conference is again demonstrated by the fact that authors or co-authors of the submitted papers were affiliated to the research institutions from 26 countries.
Based on the outcomes of the evaluation process (each paper is reviewed by 1-3 members of IPC), 64 papers were invited to be presented in some of the regular or special sessions. In addition, 34 papers were invited to be presented in two poster sessions.
The conference hosted three distinguished keynote speakers, namely: Dr. Richard Mark Soley, Chairman and CEO, OMG, USA; Vladimir Weinstein, Engineer Manager, Google, USA; Orri Erling, Program Manager for the Virtuoso Hybrid RDBMS, OpenLink Software.
A. Scientific sessions
During the preparation of the conference, a list of relevant topics was made by the co-chairs and selected researchers were invited to organize the special sessions on these topics. Based on the response, it was decided that ICIST 2015 will host four special sessions, namely: Model-Based information Systems Engineering (MBiSE), Open Data and GIS applications (ODaGIS), ICT in Biomedical Engineering (ICTiBE) and Next-Generation Enterprise Information Systems (NGEIS).
Other papers, submitted and accepted for presentation in the regular program were classified in the following sessions: Software Development, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Simulation and Optimization, Information Systems and Information Society. All accepted papers, presented in regular or special sessions are published in Volume 1 of this book.
Besides these topics, the papers presented at the poster sessions addressed also the area of learning management systems. All accepted papers, presented at the poster sessions are published in Volume 2 of this book.
1) Special Sessions
After significant response and large number of received submissions, ICTiBE session was organized in two timeslots, with 14 papers. Session was organized and chaired by Osiris Canciglieri Junior, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brasil, Nenad Filipović, University of Kragujevac, Serbia and Miroslav Trajanović, University of Niš, Serbia. The presented papers addressed different issues of modeling medical processes, devices and anatomy; diagnosis, observations and assessment, based on biofeedback apps, neural networks and data mining algorithms; and developing systems for knowledge discovery and medical device design.
Organized by Hervé Panetto, Université de Lorraine, France, Richard Mark Soley and Milan Zdravković, MBiSE presented seven papers. The authors dealt with runtime models, modeling requirements, document management systems, airport management systems, supply chain management systems and semantic conflict resolution.
Third special session on Open Data and GIS Applications was chaired and organized by Phil Archer, W3C Data Activity Lead, W3C/ERCIM, France, Jens Lehmann, University of Leipzig, Germany, and Valentina Janev, Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, Belgrade, Serbia. The session presented work related to the issues of open satellite data, spatio-temporal analysis and visualization of linked data, collaboration between public administrations, visual analytics of traffic-related open data and benchmarking of geospatial systems.
NGEIS session addressed the different issues of the Next-Generation Enterprise Information System, the concept that has been recently elaborated by the IFAC TC5.3 Technical Committee for Enterprise Integration and Networking of International Federation for Automatic Control, one of the supporters of the conference. Organized and chaired by Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves, UNINOVA, Portugal, and Elisaveta Gourova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, the session presented a recent work in the fields of cloud network infrastructure design, mobile ad hoc networks, ontology-based data sharing, simulation by using agent-based models, crowd-sourced experimental platform and dynamic software adapters.
2) Regular Sessions
As mentioned before, the papers accepted to the regular program of the conference were classified in several relevant topics, after evaluation.
The session on Software Development discussed about bio-inspired optimization algorithms, REST-based android applications, social data mining and analyses of RDF data stores performance, graph layout and data mining algorithms.
Different technology application issues in the fields of energy, environment and sustainable development were discussed in a dedicated session. Technologies in the specific industries were discussed, namely, mining and power supply. Also, the problems of environmental assessment and monitoring and optimization of the integrated energy dispatch were addressed.
The session on Simulation and Optimization mostly dealt with the relevant problems in transport, addressing in specific railway line simulation, wagon accumulation time and tire design optimization.
The session on Information Systems addressed the topics of service network monitoring, business improvement, information security awareness. Some specific applications in the areas of research management, contract management and financial management were also presented.
The last but not the least, the topic of Information Society gathered researchers dealing with cultural heritage preservation, healthcare knowledge innovation, telecommunication market analysis, ICT regulatory approaches, e-government projects’ modeling and research process management.
3) Poster Sessions
Poster sessions at ICIST conferences have history of excellent and vibrant discussions. They typically present technical achievements or conceptual work which is not considered attractive for the wider community.
The poster papers at ICIST 2015 were addressing all above-mentioned topics with addition of the area of learning management systems. They are printed in the Volume 2 of this book.
B. Invited Keynotes
The scientific program was also supported by the exciting keynotes from the distinguished speakers.
Dr. Richard Mark Soley, a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OMG ®, Executive Director of the Cloud Standards Customer Council, and Executive Director of the Industrial Internet Consortium, presented the opportunities, disruptions and standards of so-called Industrial Internet. This new paradigm was proposed in response to the anticipated “major disruptions in transportation, financial management, medical devices and other markets as Internet thinking moves into the industrial domain”. Dr. Soley presented The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), which aims at bringing “together different players to build and manage test-beds for IoT-enabling industrial systems, in order to identify new products & services, as well as priorities & requirements for standards to support adoption of these ideas”.
Orri Erling, a program manager for the Virtuoso Hybrid RDBMS, at OpenLink Software, presented recent trends in data management and effect of these trends to the development of Virtuoso DBMS. He sketched a vision of re-convergence of Relational database, RDF store and computational platform and illustrated this vision with the use cases in life sciences, semantic search and geospatial information management.
Vladimir Weinstein has been working in the internationalization and localization infrastructure team in Google since 2006. In his keynote, he discussed about managing engineers in Google, in specific: technical versus managerial path, identifying talent and mentoring, helping engineers build their careers, and many roles of an engineering manager.
The editors wish to express a sincere gratitude to all members of the International Program Committee and external reviewers, who provided a great contribution to the scientific programme, by sending the detailed and timely reviews on this year ICIST’s submissions.
The editors are grateful to the organizing committee of YUINFO conference for providing full logistics and all other kinds of support in setup of exciting scientific and social program of ICIST 2015.
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Serbia (183), Bosnia and Herzegovina (12), Portugal (8), Brasil (7), Bulgaria (7), Italy (7), Slovenia (6), Spain (5), France (5), Thailand (4), Switzerland (4), Czech Republic (3), Greece (3), Hungary (3), India (2), Germany (2), Cyprus (2), Luxembourg (1), Ireland (1), Denmark (1), Croatia (1), United Kingdom (1)
Novi Sad (67), Belgrade (49), Niš (21), Kragujevac (20), Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska (11), Čačak (8), Zrenjanin (7), Lisbon (7), Curitiba (6), Ljubljana (6), Sofia (5), Songkhla (4), Geneva (4), Subotica (4), Szeged (3), Novi Pazar (3), Lyon (3), Pilsen (3), Cantabria (3), Potenza (2), Pula (2), Patra (2), Sombor (2), Murcia (2), Nancy (2), Nicosia (2), Kosovska Mitrovica (2), Blagoevgrad (2), Caparica (2), Aarhus (1), Ahmedabad (1), São Paulo (1), Bari (1), Surrey (1), Berlin (1), Split (1), Dublin (1), Sarajevo (1), Rome (1), Guildford (1), Leipzig (1), Patras (1), Milan (1), Mumbai (1), (1)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (31)
- Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac (16)
- University of Belgrade, Institute Mihailo Pupin (11)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš (10)
- Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade (10)
- Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade (10)
- Agency for Information Society of Republic of Srpska (9)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences, Computing and Control Department, University of Novi Sad (8)
- Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad (7)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš (7)
- DunavNET doo (7)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac (7)
- University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” (6)
- Pontifical Catholic University of Parana – PUCPR / PPGEPS (6)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (6)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade (5)
- Prince of Songkla University, Department of Computer Science (4)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of automation, geomatics and control systems (4)
- Université de Genève (3)
- Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac (3)
- University of Cantabria (3)
- University of Lyon 2, DISP Laboratory (3)
- State University of Novi Pazar / Department of Technical Sciences (3)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Informatics (3)
- Schneider Electric DMS NS LLC (3)
- E-fellows Ltd. (3)
- DEE, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (3)
- University of Novi Sad/Faculty of Economics/Department of Business Informatics (3)
- College of Applied Technical Sciences Niš (3)
- Faculty of Computer Science (2)
- Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN), Université de Lorraine (2)
- University of West Bohemia in Pilsen/Department of Mathematics (2)
- American University in Bulgaria (2)
- Information Society Area, CRS4 (2)
- Hellenic Open University (2)
- Business informatics, University of Szeged (2)
- CTS, Uninova, Dep. de Eng. Electrotécnica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT , Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2)
- Government of the AP of Vojvodina/Office for Joint Affairs of Provincial Bodies (2)
- Center for the Promotion of Science (2)
- University of Novi Sad/Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" (2)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences (2)
- University of Cyprus (2)
- DEMI, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2)
- DICEM, Università degli Studi della Basilicata (2)
- Clinic of Cardiology, Clincal center of Serbia (2)
- Faculty of Education, University of Novi Sad (2)
- University of Murcia, Department of Information and Communications Engineering (2)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences Novi Sad, Department for transport (2)
- Gujarat Government, Department of Education, Knowledge Consortium (1)
- Sofia University 'St. Kl. Ohridski' (1)
- University of West Bohemia in Pilsen/Department of Computer Science and Engineering (1)
- São Paulo State University – UNESP / Department of Electrical Engineering, Guaratinguetá (1)
- Technical College Čačak (1)
- Telekom Srbija AD (1)
- Telenor d.o.o (1)
- University Nikola Tesla, Faculty for engineering management (1)
- University of Banja Luka/Faculty of Law (1)
- University of Belgrade (1)
- University of Mumbai, R.D. National College (1)
- University of Novi Sad/Faculty of Economics Subotica (1)
- University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Innovation Center (1)
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš (1)
- Agile Knowledge Engineering Group, University of Leipzig (1)
- Alexandra Instituttet A/S (1)
- BIOIRC Bioengineering Research and Development Center (1)
- Centre for Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey (1)
- Computer Technology Institute & Press Diophantus (1)
- DMMM, Politecnico di Bari (1)
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering,IST / University of Lisbon (1)
- FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (1)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo (1)
- Faculty of Information Technology, Metropolitan University (1)
- Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia (1)
- Faculty of Medical Science, University of Kragujevac (1)
- Politechnico di Milano/Department for management (1)
- Faculty of Science, University of Split (1)
- GARR - Italian National Research and Education Network (1)
- HEAnet - Ireland’s National Education and Research Network (1)
- Health Insurance Fund of Republic of Srpska/Department of Information technology (1)
- Institute for Communication Systems, University of Surrey (1)
- Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged (1)
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST (1)
- Mandat International (1)
- Novi Sad Business School (1)
- Openlink Software (1)
- PD Elektrovojvodina doo (1)
- PI Informatik GmbH (1)