The 4th International Conference on Information Society and Technology (ICIST 2014) was organized in Kopaonik winter resort, Serbia, 9-11.3.2014. The conference provided a venue for ICT researchers and practitioners from all over the world to present their research results and development activities, to exchange experiences and new ideas, and to establish the relationships for a future collaboration. The International Programme Committee (IPS) gathered 48 ICT experts from industry and academy from 18 countries, giving the truly international dimension to a review process.
While the numerous and diverse topics were considered relevant for the conference, the prospective authors were invited to discuss about the specific challenges of enterprise and systems interoperability. The topic was selected by the conference chairs as a reflection of the first published ICT work programmes of the recently launched European framework for funding research and innovation, Horizon 2020 (H2020).
Today, ICT research community is facing the numerous challenges related to a need to strive towards a hyper-connected world with hundreds of billions of devices fuelled by ambient and pervasive services (H2020 ICT Challenge 3 – Future Internet). Driven by the paradigms, such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), this world will change the way we perceive the computing capability. It will feature strong collaboration and coordination, smart and autonomous behavior and collective intelligence. It will use extensive data, open and linked, from distributed sources. It will be capable to acquire and manage knowledge based on this data. It will combine different services to swiftly implement and deploy business processes.
While the diversity of devices is also rapidly growing, it becomes more and more difficult to make them collaborate, due to a complexity caused by the fragmented architectures and incoherent unifying concepts. One approach to address this challenge is to foster application-independent development of a new generation of connected components and systems (ICT Challenge 1 – A new generation of components and systems), complemented by externally located behavioral and context models. These challenges alone cannot be addressed without the consideration of the computing issues (ICT Challenge 2 - Advanced Computing) and information management of big data in distributed sources (ICT Challenge 4 – Content technologies and information management).
Defined by ISO/IEC 2382 as “capability to communicate, execute programs, or transfer data among various functional units in a manner that requires the user to have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics of those units”, the enterprise interoperability is a common denominator of all challenges of so-called hyper-connected world. The collaboration of the devices cannot be achieved without enabling them with a seamless capability to exchange, use and re-use information and services, even without taking into account the nature and/or purpose of this information and services. Thus, the devices need to have capability, not only to exchange this information, but also to perceive and understand it.
The specific objective of ICIST 2014 was to gather the top experts in the different ICT areas, to discuss about the specific aspects of enterprise and systems interoperability. A total of 90 papers were submitted to the conference, each peer-reviewed by 1-3 members of IPC or external reviewers. 49 papers were accepted for oral presentation, resulting with a regular papers acceptance rate of 54%. These papers are published in Volume 1 of this book.
Based on the content, the oral presentations during the conference were organized in 8 sessions.
The session on the Business process modeling and management dealt with the interesting topics of business requirements negotiation, dynamic manufacturing networks, emergency management tools and collaborative business process assessment. It also presented some practical solutions, related to managing the processes of healthcare products manufacturing and integration of the enterprise portals.
This year’s ICIST received a relatively large number of papers in the area of energy management. Given the significance of the different energy efficiency and sustainability issues, especially in context of the emerging challenges of industrial symbiosis and importance of enterprise interoperability for its resolution, one session was dedicated to this area. It presented 5 papers on the IT support to renewable energy exploitation and novel methods for energy management, e.g. genetic algorithms.
The session on Internet of Things hosted 6 papers, mostly dealing with deployment of sensor-based technologies. The authors were addressing the important issues of WSN and sensor lifetime, usability, false detection filtering, network monitoring and data visualization. An interesting case study of motion analysis with wearable sensors was also presented.
Knowledge acquisition, management and interpretation are recognized as some of the biggest challenges in handling big data from disparate sources in hyper-connected world, collected from multi-modal and multi-dimensional stimuli. This topic was addressed by 8 papers in a separate ICIST 2014 session. The authors dealt with context-modeling, mapping standards to ontologies, knowledge management in virtual communities, reasoning in semantic network, interpretation of knowledge from speech and medical images.
While the new circumstances are changing our perception of the computing technologies, the software development paradigms will also have to face new obstacles, mostly related to deployment platforms which are now evolving from static computers to dynamic sensors and associated processing devices. The Software Development topic was addressed by 6 papers, presented in a dedicated session. The papers discussed about the database architectures, tools for agent-oriented languages, visualization and performance evaluation.
The great most of the authors dealt with the social and technological challenges related to the paradigms of information society. Total of 10 papers were presented in two sessions on E-Society and E-Learning. The topics addressed were: assessment of information society development and e-Government interoperability, linked open data, scientific & research results management and evaluation, electronic public services, new technology-enabled teaching methods and sentiment data analysis.
This year’s ICIST hosted Technical Committee (TC) 5.3 “Enterprise Integration and Networking” of the International Federation for Automatic Control (IFAC), who used this opportunity to organize a special session on Interoperability of Ubiquitous Systems: the future of the Internet-of-Everything.
A very high interest of researchers’ community to the new paradigm of ubiquitous computing gave rise to the concepts synthesized in a term of Internet-of-Everything (IoE). Today, the different devices with digital information and services are embedded into our everyday environment, interacting with us and other devices, sometimes without any mutual awareness of this interaction. One of the concepts that are foreseen to have a very big impact on the future IoE initiatives is the interoperability of the ubiquitous systems. This specific topic was addressed by 7 papers in the dedicated session. The session proposed the theoretical concept of interoperability as a property of a ubiquitous system and discussed about it in the case of disaster management scenario. The discussion on the location-based services was facilitated by the papers which addressed the use of ontologies in cadastral systems and context-driven web-map solutions. Furthermore, interesting discussions on the interoperability issues in citizen-centric IoT, cross-organizational business processes and industrial symbiosis were presented.
A. Poster sessions
To foster the scientific discussion and to pursue the collaboration opportunities, ICIST also organized poster sessions. The poster sessions included papers passing the minimum threshold of scientific merit, presenting and discussing about the interesting relevant ideas.
36 papers were presented during the two poster sessions, organized in different groups on the topics of integration and interoperability, computing, hardware and telecommunications, information systems and e-society, e-government and e-learning. All papers accepted for the poster sessions are published in Volume 2 of this book.
B. Invited Keynote
With aim to provide truly inspiring settings for the scientific discussion, this year’s ICIST 2014 invited Prof. Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves, from UNINOVA, Portugal to introduce the participants to the possible impact of the pervasive computing to new organizational forms and business models.
In his talk, he addressed the actual developments and trends in the domain of Digital and Sensing Enterprise (with objects, equipment, and technological infrastructures exhibiting advanced networking and processing capabilities), and he gave insights concerning the realization of these concepts in the advent of the Internet of Everything.
C. "Manufacturing the Future"
The scientific programme of ICIST 2014 was complemented with the training activities, through the workshop “Manufacturing the Future: Automating and Connecting Dynamic Production Networks”.
The workshop was organized by IMAGINE FP7 Project, funded by the European Commission under the “Virtual Factories and Enterprises” theme of the 7th Framework Programme (FoF-ICT-2011.7.3, Grant Agreement No: 285132).
The editors would like to thank all members of the organizing committee of YUINFO conference for providing the full logistics and all other kinds of support to ICIST 2014.
The editors wish also to express their sincere appreciation to the members of IPC and external reviewers who contributed to the quality of this year’s programme by providing the detailed and timely reviews.
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- Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (42)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš (14)
- Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade (14)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš (12)
- University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin” (8)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac (7)
- University of Belgrade, Institute Mihailo Pupin (7)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (6)
- Jaroslav Černi Institute (6)
- Faculty of Technical Sciences, Computing and Control Department, University of Novi Sad (6)
- Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad (5)
- CTS, Uninova, Dep. de Eng. Electrotécnica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT , Universidade Nova de Lisboa (4)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of technical sciences Novi Sad, Department for transport (4)
- Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac (3)
- University of Cantabria (3)
- Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, Industrial and Systems Engineering (3)
- Fakultet za menadžment Zaječar, Megatrend univerzitet (3)
- Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN), Université de Lorraine (3)
- University of Lyon 2, DISP Laboratory (3)
- Ericsson d.o.o. (3)
- University of Novi Sad/Faculty of Economics/Department of Business Informatics (2)
- Sofia University /Department Software Engineering (2)
- Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2)
- Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (2)
- AIDIMA- Institute of Technology for Furniture and Related Industry (2)
- University St.Kliment Ohridski/Informatics and Computer Sciences Department (2)
- Government of the AP of Vojvodina/Office for Joint Affairs of Provincial Bodies (2)
- Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade (2)
- AlfaNum – Speech Technologies (2)
- University of Szeged, Department of Informatics (2)
- Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (2)
- ComTrade Solution Engineering (2)
- Computer Science and Engineering Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (2)
- University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education (2)
- Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad (2)
- ALFA University, Faculty of Management in Sport (2)
- Department of Power, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad (2)
- DunavNET doo (2)
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, East Sarajevo (2)
- Schneider Electric DMS NS LLC (1)
- 4Expand (1)
- Radio Television of Serbia (1)
- Université Paris-Sud 11 & ISC School of Management (1)
- School of ICT, Griffith University (1)
- Solutia, s.r.o. (1)
- Technical University of Sofia (1)
- Union University School of Computing (1)
- University of Novi Sad/Technical faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" (1)
- University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering (1)
- University of Liepaja (1)
- Faculty of Occupational Safety (1)
- Administration Agency for Common Services of Government Authorities/Department for Information and Telecommunication Technologies (1)
- Belgrade Business School (1)
- Centre for Communication Systems Research, University of Surrey (1)
- College of Applied Technical Sciences Niš (1)
- Computer Science Faculty, University of Murcia (1)
- DDOR (1)
- Department of Engineering Science, Kragujevac (1)
- E-fellows Ltd. (1)
- FILUM (Department of Philology & Arts) (1)
- Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac (1)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade (1)
- Politecnico di Bari, DMM (1)
- ITS Information Technology School (1)
- Independent researcher (1)
- Information Society Area, CRS4 (1)
- JKP Parking Service Kragujevac (1)
- JP "Elektromreža Srbije" (1)
- Javno preduzeće Transnafta (1)
- LANB (1)
- Municipality of Beltinci (1)
- Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic, Clinical Center Niš, Faculty of Medicine, University of Niš (1)
- PE EPS (1)
- Policijska uprava Bor (1)