Call for initial submissions
We welcome submission of extended abstracts presenting original unpublished work which is not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Initial submissions must comply to the specific requirements, as it follows.
The initial submissions must be made by using EasyChair platform, in the form of extended abstract. The extended abstract must consicely and clearly highlight all following aspects: research motivation and the problem, the research question(s), methodology, description of the solution and/or the discussion. The evaluation of the extended abstracts will be double-blind. Thus, author names, addresses, emails and affiliations MUST NOT be included in the extended abstract. The extended abstract must be created by using the template below, submitted in PDF format, and it MUST NOT exceed 4 A4 pages including figures. Only key references should be included.
The initial submissions will be peer reviewed by IPC members. After the decisions are distributed, the authors with accepted submissions will be invited to submit full papers for publishing in the ICIST 2018 Proceedings book. The specific deadline for full papers will be May, 1st, 2018 (template for full papers can be downloaded here). In order to have the submitted full paper published in the Proceedings book, at least one author or co-author must be registered at the conference and present the paper in regular or poster session. When submitting the extended abstract for a special track, select the special track title in the submission form.
Call for Special track proposals
We invite researchers to propose tracks on their particular field of interest, within the scope of the ICIST conferences. There should be one to three track co-chairs in each track and one of the co-chairs should be designated as the primary contact person. The responsibilities of the co-chairs are defined, as it follows.
The co-chairs will promote the special track and take actions to ensure an adequate number of submissions. Minimum number of accepted papers for a succesful special track is 6 in regular sessions + 2 in poster. The special track co-chairs will organize a peer review process for the extended abstracts submitted to their track and propose the list of the papers to be included in the conference programme to IPC co-chairs. At least one of the co-chairs must be registered to the conference and serve as a session chair in his/her own track.
The proposal for a special track must enclose the title and short abstract, list of co-chairs with their affiliations, list of potential reviewers, overview of the scientific communities (associations, working groups, standardization bodies, project consortiums, etc.) which the co-chairs will address and a proposal for a keynote. Special track proposals should not exceed 2 A4 pages and they should be sent by email to the programme chair.
For each of the succesful tracks/special sessions, the organizer will cover the costs of stay (3 nights/HB) and registration costs for one person. Local transport arrangements also possible.