About ICIST 2018

8th International Conference on Information Society and Techology will be held on Kopaonik, Serbia on Mar 11-14, 2018.

ICIST Conference series is one of the top IT scientific events in the region, with 70-100 papers presented each year, average of 200 participants per edition, attended also by the number of IT industry representatives in the region. It hosts distinguished scientists keynotes (in past years, we were honored to share the stage with Richard Mark Soley, Orri Erling, Howard Moskowitz, Bran Selić and others), scientific sessions, panel discussions, industry presentations with exciting social programme for motivated and successfull networking. It is a perfect venue for networking, dissemination of recent research results, getting new project ideas, finding new scientific partners and bringing great vibes back home.

The conference is open for all scientific contributions to the different areas of ICT. It also welcomes technical papers with case studies and demonstrations of novel ICT technologies and approaches in industry and society. It hosts loyal research communities dealing with the areas of information systems, model-based software engineering, e-government, big data, biomedical engineering, semantic web research and since recently, Internet of Things.

All accepted papers will be published in ICIST digital repository. Past editions of the online proceedings can be viewed here: ICIST2014, ICIST2015, ICIST2016, ICIST2017.

List of accepted special tracks:

Special Track: ICT for Automotive, chaired by: Jaka Sodnik, Kristina Stojmenova and Andrew L. Kun

Special Track: (Industrial) Internet-of-Things for Smart & Sensing Systems, chaired by: Hervé Panetto, Georg Weichhart, David Romero and Milan Zdravković

Special Track: ICT for health,aging and well-being, chaired by: Miroslav Trajanović, Anton Kos, Osiris Canciglieri Jr. and Igor Budak

ICIST Keynotes

Jožek Gruškovnjak

Jožek Gruškovnjak, International Executive, Strategy Consultant, Entrepreneur, Slovenia

Jožek is a multilingual international executive, strategy consultant and entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in leadership positions within information technology and telecommunications industries. Currently working as an independent strategy consultant, Jožek is advising senior executives in telecommunication services providers, medium-sized and large enterprises and technology companies. Focusing on overall business and go-to-market strategies, IT strategy and operations optimization, the overarching objective is improving clients’ business performance and profitability.

Jožek built his consulting practice and experience as director in Cisco Systems’ strategy consulting team – the Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) – where he led geography practice for Latin America, Middle East and Africa. He and his team worked with key service providers, enterprises and governments, on business strategies, new services, service delivery and business models, ICT enabled economic development and business transformation, and technology enabled productivity improvement.

Before joining IBSG Jožek held various leadership positions in Cisco's sales organization in EMEA. As general manager for South East Europe he built the regional organization and drove significant business growth in the region. He has been instrumental in developing key relationships with governments and business leaders, helping them understand and take advantage of new technologies and business models. Earlier in his career Jožek was an entrepreneur – he established and held executive positions with the leading Slovenian networking integrator, NIL. Before establishing NIL, he worked as an independent IT consultant and as student research associate at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Born and educated in Slovenia Jožek holds an MBA from IEDC Bled School of Management and B.Sc. in computer sciences from University of Ljubljana. As an accomplished speaker he is fluent in English, Spanish, Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian, and also speaks German.

Žarko Milošević

Žarko Milošević, Assistant Professor at Singidunum University and Senior Research Scientist at Interchain Foundation, Serbia

Žarko Milošević obtained a Doctor of Science (PhD) degree in Distributed Systems from EPFL in 2013. Before PhD, he finished Master in Computer Science at EPFL in 2008 and obtained a dipl.ing. degree in Electrical Engineering (Computer Science) from School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 2006. He worked as a software engineer for several companies in Switzerland.

He worked as a software engineer for several companies in Switzerland. Currently, he works as an Assistant Professor at Singidunum University and as a research scientist at Interchain Foundation (https://interchain.io/) leading R&D activities for the Tendermint (https://tendermint.com/) and Cosmos (https://cosmos.network/) projects. Tendermint is a Byzantine-fault tolerant state machine replication middleware that is at the core of ecosystem of Proof-of-Stake blockchains that are part of the Cosmos, network of blockchains.

The talk will explain the role of the well-known consensus problem in the new context of blockchain systems. More precisely, we will explain the benefit of consensus based blockchain systems, but also new engineering and research challenges in this application domain. We will also introduce two open source blockchain projects Tendermint (https://tendermint.com/), a Byzantine fault tolerant state machine replication middleware and Cosmos (https://cosmos.network/), a decentralised network of independent blockchain systems.

ICIST Special Tracks

ICT for Automotive

The presence of ICT and IoT is almost inevitable in a lot of everyday systems used worldwide. The automotive sector is not an exception, experiencing a drastic increase in use of ICT and IoT with the purpose of increasing driver safety and improving driver experience. Driving is a dynamic and complex task, therefore introducing any in-vehicle information system (IVIS) should be done very carefully, so that introduction of these systems does not affect driving performance; on the contrary, they should be designed in a way that they contribute to better driving performance. It is no doubt that autonomous vehicles will reduce and eventually eliminate this problem but there are still numerous challenges and problems which will have to be solved on the way to full automation of automotive sector. Within this track we would like to address different ICT challenges in automotive sector by inviting speakers from academia and industry to elaborate on the topic and present different points of view.

This track welcomes research in this field, especially in the (but not limited to) following topics:

  • In-vehicle HCI
  • Driver evaluation and human factor
  • Autonomous / automated driving
  • Connected vehicles


  • Sodnik, Jaka (jaka.sodnik@fe.uni-lj.si). Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Stojmenova, Kristina (kristina.stojmenova@fe.uni-lj.si). Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Kun, Andrew L. (andrew.kun@unh.edu). University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire, USA

ICIST Special Tracks

(Industrial) Internet-of-Things for Smart & Sensing Systems

The sensing enterprise  is a digital business innovation concept making Internet of Things, Service Oriented Architectures and Advanced Human Computer Interactions converge for more agile, flexible and proactive management of unexpected events in the global value networks of today. In essence, it concerns the adoption of Future Internet technologies for the virtual enterprise and its value network. Translating the same concept to smart enterprises, and more generally to Smart Systems (smart manufacturing, smart cities, smart logistics …), the capability by next generation systems sensing, modelling and interpreting the signals from the real world is a pre-requisite for a more flexible and agile reconfiguration of those smart systems. Intuitively, a sensing system requires resources and machineries to be constantly monitored, configured and easily interacted by blue collar workers. All these functions, and much more indeed, are now implemented by so-called (Industrial) Internet-of-Things. With advent of the new paradigms of Industrial Internet-of-Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, the number and the diversity of systems that need to work together in the future enterprises have significantly increased. This trend highlights the need to shift the interoperability paradigm from the classic consideration of interoperating pair of systems, towards the interoperability as a capability to sense and perceive the exchanged messages, as well as to purposefully and socially act upon their perceptions. Such a shift could have important consequences on the future architecture design of these systems. The emergence of cloud based technologies will have a significant impact on the design and implementation of cyber physical systems; using such novel technologies, collaborative engineering practises will increase globally which will enable a new generation of small scale industrial organizations to function in an information centric manner. The potential of such technologies in fostering a leaner and more agile approach towards engineering is also very high. Engineers and engineering organizations no longer have to be restricted to the availability of advanced processing capabilities but can adopt a ‘pay as you go’ approach which will enable them to access and use software resources for engineering activities from any remote location in the world.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Smart Systems Interoperability 
  • Cyber Physical Systems modelling and applications
  • Industrial Internet-of-Thing (IIOT)
  • IoT for Logistics Systems, 
  • IIoT Enterprise Systems
  • Sensing Systems
  • Model-driven sensing engineering
  • Ontology-based models for (I)IoT
  • IIoT for Future Internet Enterprise Systems

The session is supported by IFAC TC 5.3 "Enterprise Integration and Networking".

The authors of all accepted papers will be invited to submit the extended versions to a Special Issue of an international journals. The papers presented at the 2017 edition of this track have been invited to be submitted to a Special Issue of IEEE IoT Journal (IF. 7.6).


  • Panetto, Hervé (herve.panetto@univ-lorraine.fr). Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN), Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
  • Weichhart, Georg (georg.weichhart@primetals.com). Primetals, , Austria
  • Romero, David (david.romero.diaz@gmail.com). Tecnológico de Monterrey, , Mexico
  • Zdravković, Milan (milan.zdravkovic@gmail.com). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia

ICIST Special Tracks

ICT for health,aging and well-being

One of the greatest social challenges today is addressing many different concerns and issues related to healthcare, aging and well-being. These challenges include, but are not restricted to, improving the understanding of causes and mechanisms connected to health; ability to monitor, prevent, detect, and treat disease; personalize health and care delivery. For addressing such challenges, a new approach is needed, which will transform the health and care delivery. This approach is proactive rather than reactive. Healthcare should evolve mechanisms for early risk detection, shifting from the acute treatment to long-term health monitoring. Instead of focusing on single disease treatment, healthcare systems should become capable of handling multiple chronic conditions and comorbidities at the same time. Care delivery should become pervasive, not exclusively institutional. Finally, generic treatment approach should be abandoned, and care should become more personalized.

Advanced ICT technologies will play a crucial role in this transformation. Health-related data will grow and will have accurate and useful digital representations. Predictive computing, used by the care providers and customers, will use health-related data to facilitate early risk detection and self-management of health and disease. Health systems will become interoperable. Robotic systems, driven by artificial intelligence will enable assisted living, in smart, age-friendly homes. Biofeedback applications in healthcare, sport, recreation, and rehabilitation will enable easier and faster way to achieving the desired results. They will assist individuals, healthcare personnel, and trainers in many ways; from influencing the physiological processes in human body, to motor learning in sports and rehabilitation.

With this session, we aim to uncover the current research in the abovementioned topics and topics closely related to them. All relevant contributions are strongly welcomed.

The authors of all accepted papers will be invited to submit the extended versions to a Special Issue of the Facta Universitatis series journal. The journal is with open access, indexed by many databases, including SCOPUS. It is assigned with M24 category, by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia.


  • Trajanović, Miroslav (traja@masfak.ni.ac.rs). Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia
  • Kos, Anton (anton.kos@fe.uni-lj.si). Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Canciglieri Jr., Osiris (osiris.canciglieri@pucpr.br). Pontifical Catholic University of Parana – PUCPR / PPGEPS, Curitiba, Brasil
  • Budak, Igor (budaki@uns.ac.rs). Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Important Dates

1 Dec 20

Track Proposals

2 Feb 01

Abstract Submission

3 Feb 15

Decisions Sent to Authors

4 Mar 01

Conference Registration

5 Mar 11

Conference is Opened

6 Apr 15

Full Paper Submission

ICIST 2018 Committees

Organizing Committee (OC) is in charge for the organization of the conference. All decisions related to the scientific programme are made by the International Programme Committee (IPC), based on the peer review process, coordinated by the IPC co-chairs. Track chairs are in charge of setting up a scientific programme in the specific topics, which are decided upon based on the submitted track proposals.

Author photo

Milan Zdravković

Niš, Serbia
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Zora Konjović

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Miroslav Trajanović

Niš, Serbia
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Miodrag Ivković

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Martina Laskač

Belgrade, Serbia
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Negica Ćulafić

Belgrade, Serbia
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Carlos Agostinho

Caparica, Portugal
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Zorica Bogdanović

Belgrade, Serbia
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Miloš Bogdanović

Niš, Serbia
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Osiris Canciglieri Jr.

Curitiba, Brasil
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Vincent Chapurlat

Nîmes, France
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Carlos Coutinho

Lisbon, Portugal
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Mariana Damova

Sofia, Bulgaria
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Igor Dejanović

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Stevan Gostojić

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Elissaveta Gourova

Sofia, Bulgaria
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Wided Guédria

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Irena Holubová

Prague, Czech Republic
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Luka Humski

Zagreb, Croatia
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Fan Ip-Shing

Cranfield, UK
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Dragan Ivanović

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Valentina Janev

Belgrade, Serbia
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Dorina Kabakchieva

Sofia, Bulgaria
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Anton Kos

Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Aleksandar Kovačević

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Mario Lezoche

Nancy, France
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Eduardo R. Loures

Curitiba, Brazil
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Ivan Luković

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Miloš Madić

Niš, Serbia
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Zoran Marjanović

Belgrade, Serbia
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Nikola Milivojević

Belgrade, Serbia
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Branko Milosavljević

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Dragan Mišić

Niš, Serbia
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Néjib Moalla

Lyon, France
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Siniša Nešković

Belgrade, Serbia
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Ovidiu Noran

Brisbane, Australia
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Dušan Okanović

Stuttgart, Germany
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Hervé Panetto

Nancy, France
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Mirjana Pejić Bach

Zagreb, Croatia
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Valentin Penca

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Michaël Petit

Namur, Belgium
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David Romero

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Ioan Stefan Sacala

Bucharest, Romania
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Milan Segedinac

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Dubravka Sladić

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Goran Sladić

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Jelena Slivka

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Richard Mark Soley

Needham, USA
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Paulo Cézar Stadzisz

Curitiba, Brazil
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Leonid Stoimenov

Niš, Serbia
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Anderson Luis Szejka

Curitiba, Brasil
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Milan Trifunović

Niš, Serbia
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Anton Umek

Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Bruno Vallespir

Bordeaux, France
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Milan Vidaković

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Georg Weichhart

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Miroslav Zarić

Novi Sad, Serbia
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Jelena Zdravković

Kista, Sweden
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Žarko Ćojbašić

Niš, Serbia
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Jaka Sodnik

Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Kristina Stojmenova

Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Andrew L. Kun

New Hampshire, USA
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Igor Budak

Novi Sad, Serbia

Call for contributors

Call for initial submissions

We welcome submission of extended abstracts presenting original unpublished work which is not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Initial submissions must comply to the specific requirements, as it follows.

The initial submissions must be made by using EasyChair platform, in the form of extended abstract. The extended abstract must consicely and clearly highlight all following aspects: research motivation and the problem, the research question(s), methodology, description of the solution and/or the discussion. The evaluation of the extended abstracts will be double-blind. Thus, author names, addresses, emails and affiliations MUST NOT be included in the extended abstract. The extended abstract must be created by using the template below, submitted in PDF format, and it MUST NOT exceed 4 A4 pages including figures. Only key references should be included.

The initial submissions will be peer reviewed by IPC members. After the decisions are distributed, the authors with accepted submissions will be invited to submit full papers for publishing in the ICIST 2018 Proceedings book. The specific deadline for full papers will be May, 1st, 2018 (template for full papers can be downloaded here). In order to have the submitted full paper published in the Proceedings book, at least one author or co-author must be registered at the conference and present the paper in regular or poster session. When submitting the extended abstract for a special track, select the special track title in the submission form.

Call for Special track proposals

We invite researchers to propose tracks on their particular field of interest, within the scope of the ICIST conferences. There should be one to three track co-chairs in each track and one of the co-chairs should be designated as the primary contact person. The responsibilities of the co-chairs are defined, as it follows.

The co-chairs will promote the special track and take actions to ensure an adequate number of submissions. Minimum number of accepted papers for a succesful special track is 6 in regular sessions + 2 in poster. The special track co-chairs will organize a peer review process for the extended abstracts submitted to their track and propose the list of the papers to be included in the conference programme to IPC co-chairs. At least one of the co-chairs must be registered to the conference and serve as a session chair in his/her own track.

The proposal for a special track must enclose the title and short abstract, list of co-chairs with their affiliations, list of potential reviewers, overview of the scientific communities (associations, working groups, standardization bodies, project consortiums, etc.) which the co-chairs will address and a proposal for a keynote. Special track proposals should not exceed 2 A4 pages and they should be sent by email to the programme chair.

For each of the succesful tracks/special sessions, the organizer will cover the costs of stay (3 nights/HB) and registration costs for one person. Local transport arrangements also possible.

Download template   Submit abstract

ICIST Programme

Traditionally, ICIST offers a perfect mix of great scientific programme with social events for networking. At this time, we can announce the tentative programme, which you can see below.

About the venue

Grand Hotel & Spa Kopaonik

Venue photo

Kopaonik is a mountain in the central part of Serbia and the largest mountain range in the country. The highest point is the Pančić's Peak with 2,017 m. Kopaonik is a major ski resort in Serbia, and after Bulgaria's Bansko, the largest in Southeast Europe. There are 25 ski lifts with capacity of 32,000 skiers per hour.

Grand Hotel & Spa is situated at an exclusive location, near the ski slopes and ski lifts in the beautiful environment of the National Park Kopaonik. Premium comfort and convenience in 221 guest rooms and suites, complemented by numerous facilities for relaxation and enjoyment throughout the year, including spa & wellness area, congress center, fitness center, sports hall, space bowling center and a la carte restaurant Garden.


Registration and conference logistics: office AT yuinfo.org

Scientific programme: Milan Zdravković, milan.zdravkovic AT gmail.com